SYMPOSIUM March 15th, 2025

Dear colleagues,

Serbian glaucoma Society invites you to celebrate together the World Glaucoma Week 2025, for the first time in Serbia.

First National Symposium of glaucomatologists of Serbia, “The Importance of Early Detection of Glaucoma in the Republic of Serbia“, will be held on March 15, 2025  in Vrdnik. At this accredited meeting, our eminent glaucomatologists will emphasize the importance of early detection of glaucoma in risk groups with 14 lectures.

We hope that you will take an active part in the work of this important event for public health in the Republic of Serbia, which will take place under the slogan “Early detection of glaucoma is the key to its successful treatment”.

Collegiate greetings

President of Serbian glaucoma Society
Prof. Dr Predrag Jovanović M.D., Ph.D.

Participation is free of charge