The First Congress of Serbian Glaucoma Specialists was held in the “Andjela” hotel on Kopaonik on 17th and 18th May 2013 in a cosy working and collegial atmosphere. The Congress brought together 350 ophthalmologists from this country and from...
Obeležili smo i ovogodišnju Svetsku nedelju glaukoma (WGW 9-15.03.2014). Širom Srbije organizovano je besplatno merenje intraokularnog pritiska, kao i druge akcije, a na klinici za očne bolesti KCS u Beogradu tokom cele nedelje održavane su besplatne edukacije za pacijente...
We also celebrated this year's World Glaucoma Week (WGW 9 – 15 March 2014). Throughout Serbia free measurement of intraocular pressure was organized, as well as other actions; at the clinic for eye diseases KCS in Belgrade free education...
Svetska nedelja glaukoma (WGW 10-16.03.2013) obeležena je nizom aktivnosti u celoj Srbiji. U više centara u više gradova organizovane su javne akcije besplatnog merenja očnog pritiska, koje su bile masovno posećene. Naši vodeći glaukomatolozi gostovali su na TV i...
The World Glaucoma Week (WGW 10 – 16 March 2013) was marked by a series of activities throughout Serbia. Public actions consisting of free measurement of intraocular pressure were organised in several centres in several towns, and they were...
Svetska nedelja glaukoma (11-17.03 2012) obeležena je nizom aktivnosti u celoj Srbiji. U više centara u više gradova organizovane su javne akcije besplatnog merenja očnog pritiska, koje su bile masovno posećene (na fotografijama javno besplatno merenje očnog pritiska u...
World Glaucoma Week (11 - 17 March 2012) was marked by a series of activities throughout Serbia. Public actions consisting of free measurement of intraocular pressure were organized in several centres in several towns, and they were massively attended...